When American cowboys of the 1800’s ran cattle together on open ranges, they gathered each year to separate their herds from their neighbors. This is what we call “Cutting”. Naturally, when you bring a group of people working together it turns into a competition, and equine competitions are some of the best. The Cutting and Rodeo heritages run strong and deep, and have for centuries. In the 1800’s they were also a grand social events, some say the original networking events, and nothing from that has changed much today. The ranchers gathered, there was a competition and the families shared their stories and wares from the last gathering. They revealed crafts, sold wares, exchanged recipes, but most of all, they shared laughter. They worked side by side to teach and guide their children and developed a strong community. From this we have seen many “Legends” in the equine industries that give us inspiration to keep these sports going.

Our goal is to illustrate the positive value of what equine sports has done for the history of America. By actions we wish to demonstrate the legendary proceedings of the men and women, unafraid of hard work, who founded the west and the lifestyle that gave them the courage it took to endure its hardships and lead them to a better life.

March 25, 2019
2019 Gabrielle Sanborn Scholarship ICHA Cutting

Thank you to everyone who made all of this possible!

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December 23, 2010
Merry Christmas to All

Merry Christmas to the World and Everyone May this season bless you and your loved ones for a prosperous 2011. Join us at our events to learn how to Imagine […]

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December 22, 2010
A Resolution for 2011.... Inspiring the Champion in You

by Corey Fagan Gold Buckle Champion is welcoming in the New Year and ready to make a huge difference by rewarding our young leaders in the community. The kick off […]

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